If you want to replace your outdated rooftop materials or invest in a new roof, you have certainly come across quality shingles that will last 50 years or longer. Slate, ceramic tiles, concrete tiles, metal shingles, and even premium asphalt shingles can last for 50 years. However, although slate and ceramic tiles can last twice as long, most other roofs will be considered old at this age, which means that they will have to be replaced.

Restoring a 50-year-old roof is theoretically possible, but it depends on several important factors, such as the materials the roof is made from, the damage that occurred along the years and the condition of the roof`s structure.

Palo Alto roofing

A professional roofer will avoid such a project and will strongly advise on roof replacement, precisely because the structure of a 50-year-old roof is most likely not as strong as it used to be, and to check it out, the old roof must be removed.

As a general rule, you must start planning for a roof replacement when the warranty offered by the manufacturer for your current roof expires.

A top rated Palo Alto roofing company will help you to identify the best new roof for your home, as well as ways to prolong its lifespan as long as possible.