In the design of the last decade, the ecological trend reigns firmly, dictated by the desire of the creative minds to make our lives as harmless as possible and to bring it into harmony with nature. Architecture is no exception: from the use of a large number of natural materials, to the creation of green living spaces with man-made ecosystems, living roofs are in trend. We are looking today to create something similar with those living roofs that have been designed since antiquity, in the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis or Babylonia, built between 605-562 BC by King Nebuchadnezzar II, for one of his wives.

Contemporary architects and environmentally conscious San Jose roofing company activists have decided to turn the green roofs of ancient artifacts into part of the current urban environment.

We can write many things about the advantages of a green roof. By building a green roof, a part of the place occupied by the building is given back to nature, which is an important step in the process of protecting the environment. Such a roof is also a very effective natural insulation, both in summer against heat and in winter when it is cold, and also a habitat for various living species.

frog on the forest

Green roofs help reduce the amount of CO2 in the air; a square meter of green roof can absorb the same amount of CO2 produced by a car that runs 80 km.