Extreme heat and precipitation are the most significant elements of the San Jose climate. Whether you just moved here, or you’ve been living in San Jose all your life, it’s hard to ignore the fact that much of the summer is governed by hot and humid days when your AC runs pretty much all day and night, while the “winters” are basically a wet season that lasts from November to March.
Under these circumstances, roofing companies in San Jose wouldn’t be too keen on recommending wood shake roofing. Transparent and well-informed San Jose roofing company professionals will quickly be able to give you all the possible drawbacks and pitfalls associated with installing a wooden roof here. Some of these include the presence of pests, the long term damage caused by humidity and precipitation and the danger of fire damage during the hotter and drier months of summer.
Experts might recommend alternatives such as composite shingle roofing, as well as metal and slate roofing systems that will still be able to mimic (or even exceed) the beautiful appearance and impressive curb appeal of a wood shake roof, but without all the practical drawbacks. If you’re interested in other types of roofing you might be able to install in San Jose, simply call on your local roofers to schedule a meeting and discuss your options for the future.