In many geographic regions, fall is the final season without snow, the last time when homeowners can perform maintenance and repair work without having to endure freezing weather or to worry about moving around on a slippery roof surface. Here are some tasks that you need to do or to get done by the end of the months:
- Tree trimming – dry branches that overhang the roof pose the risk of falling on the roof and of damaging it, so make sure they are removed before they cause problems;
- Roof cleaning – the debris that can accumulate on the surface of the roof, such as dried leaves, twigs and dust can trap water and cause extensive damage to the roofing underneath, so you need to eliminate any such debris before winter settles in;
- Gutter cleaning – clogged gutter pipes are unable to fulfil their role of directing water away from the building, so make sure you clean your pipes. Move to cleaning the gutters only after the roof is clean because the roof cleaning process will inevitably send some debris into gutters;
- Roof inspection and repair – check your clean roof inch by inch. Schedule Los Gatos San Mateo roofers to look for loose, cracked, chipped or otherwise damaged components and take care of all the repairs to make sure your roof is as solid it can be and able to withstand even the harshest winter.