California is home to a wide variety of styles and construction methods. Here you can find just about anything from intricate, modern housing units to small, quaint houses that are reminiscent of California’s countryside. However, when it comes to roofing, the options are far more limited because of the need to get a roof that will fit in with the weather conditions in the area. Fortunately, according to roofers, like Danville roofing style specialists, the design styles of even these roofing systems can be far more diverse than anywhere else in the country.
While metal roofing and asphalt shingles are considered to be the most affordable roofing products in California, they also have other qualities. Metal is highly resilient and energy efficient, while advanced composite asphalt shingles can now reach life spans that exceed 20-30 years.
Wood shingles and shakes are also very popular in California despite the fact that parts of the state can be quite dry and prone to fires. Modern roofing shakes used in California today can also be fitted with coating and other precautions can be taken to ensure that the roof remains not only beautiful to behold, but also tough enough to withstand anything that mother nature might throw at it.
Clay, concrete and slate are also quite popular in the state of California, although some of these products can be on the expensive side. When you see how little maintenance they require and how long they last, however, you’ll quickly see why these products are counted among the top most popular roofing types and styles in the region.