Types of Roof Vents

Roof vents are essential for ensuring the proper ventilation of the attic area and, with it, for improving the building interior’s thermal stability. The components come in many types and styles – here are some: Box vents – these types are simple, mechanic vents...

The Most Common Flat Roofing Materials

Flat roofing used to be a roof type mostly used on commercial properties, but in recent decades, the solution has become increasingly widespread for modern residential buildings as well. The flat structure of these roofs requires special materials. Consult with smart...

How to Talk with Your Neighbors About Roof Damage

If you live in a condo or in some other type of housing that shares the same roof or that features a gap between your roof and the neighbor’s, talking with your neighbor about any Livermore roofing damage that has affected both roofs or only yours is certainly not...